Ford Escape: Instrument Cluster Display / Vehicle Charging Status - Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV)
The vehicle charge status displays when
you switch off your vehicle and when you
switch on your vehicle when plugged in.
Charging status includes the charge start
or charge end time as appropriate. You can
modify your charge settings though the
touchscreen. See SYNC™ 3.
The trip summary displays upon shutting
off your vehicle. The values are cumulative
since you last started your vehicle.
The information shown is the same as the
This Trip screen...
Other information:
Power Flow
The Power Flow information for
your plug-in hybrid vehicle is
available through the Home
screen or under Apps.
Vehicle Operational States
Power will flow to or from the front and
rear wheels depending on operational
state and drive conditions.
Idling: The vehicle is running and in Park
(P). The engine and, or the high voltage
battery are on.
Electric Driving: The vehicle is..
Head Restraint Components
Center Head Restraint
The head restraint consists of:
An energy absorbing head
Two steel stems.
Guide sleeve adjust and unlock
Outermost Head Restraint
The head restraint consists of:
An energy absorbing head
Two steel stems.
Guide sleeve adjust and unlock
Guide sleeve unlock and remove
Adjusting the Hea..