Ford Escape: Fuel Charging and Controls - Turbocharger - 1.5L EcoBoost (132kW/180PS) – I3 (Y1) / Removal and Installation - Turbocharger Oil Supply Tube
Name |
Specification |
Motorcraft® Metal Brake Parts Cleaner PM-4-A, PM-4-B, APM-4-C |
The turbocharger compressor vanes can be damaged by even the
smallest particles. When removing any turbocharger or engine air intake
system component, ensure that no debris enters the system. Failure to
do so may result in damage to the turbocharger.
Special attention needs to be given to the sealing ports for
the oil feed, the oil drain, and the coolant lines, on turbocharged
engines. The sealing ports must be totally clean and free from O-ring
residue, have no damage to the sealing surface and the lines to ensure
that there are no leaks or repeat repairs.
Remove the cowl panel grille.
Refer to: Cowl Panel Grille (501-02 Front End Body Panels, Removal and Installation).
Remove the air cleaner outlet pipe.
Refer to: Air Cleaner Outlet Pipe (303-12A Intake Air Distribution and
Filtering - 1.5L EcoBoost (132kW/180PS) – I3 (Y1), Removal and
Remove the bolts, then remove and discard turbocharger oil supply tube. Discard the designated bolt.
A new turbocharger oil supply tube filter must be
used. (Part of the oil supply tube.) Failure to use a new filter will
cause turbocharger failure.
Install the new O-rings if not already installed. Lubricate the O-ring seals with clean engine oil.
Refer to: Specifications (303-01A Engine - 1.5L EcoBoost (132kW/180PS) – I3 (Y1), Specifications).
The oil supply tube must be fully seated prior to fastener tightening.
Carefully use a nylon brush to remove the old O-ring
residue, use brake cleaner to rinse the O-ring residue out of the
turbocharger and engine O-ring bores. Inspect the area for deep
scratches and gouges. Install new components if needed.
Material: Motorcraft® Metal Brake Parts Cleaner
/ PM-4-A, PM-4-B, APM-4-C
Install and fully seat the turbocharger oil supply tube, install and finger tighten the bolts at this stage.
1 :
89 (10 Nm)
2 :
89 (10 Nm)
3 :
22 lb.ft (30 Nm)
Install the air cleaner outlet pipe.
Refer to: Air Cleaner Outlet Pipe (303-12A Intake Air Distribution and
Filtering - 1.5L EcoBoost (132kW/180PS) – I3 (Y1), Removal and
Install the cowl panel grille.
Refer to: Cowl Panel Grille (501-02 Front End Body Panels, Removal and Installation).
Check and top off the engine oil as needed.
Refer to: Specifications (303-01A Engine - 1.5L EcoBoost (132kW/180PS) – I3 (Y1), Specifications).
Start and check for leaks.
Motorcraft® Metal Brake Parts CleanerPM-4-A, PM-4-B, APM-4-C
The turbocharger compressor vanes can be damaged by
even the smallest particles...
Special Tool(s) /
General Equipment
Hose Clamp Remover/Installer
Remove the air cleaner outlet pipe.
Refer to: Air Cleaner Outlet Pipe (303-12A Intake Air Distribution and
Filtering - 1...
Other information:
Do not loosen or remove the crankshaft pulley bolt without
first installing the special tools as instructed in this procedure. The
crankshaft pulley and the crankshaft timing sprocket are not keyed to
the crankshaft. The crankshaft, the crankshaft sprocket and the pulley
are fitted together by friction...
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