SiriusXM Traffic and Travel Link (If Equipped)
SiriusXM Traffic and Travel Link is available on vehicles equipped with navigation and only in select markets. You must activate and subscribe to receive SiriusXM Traffic and Travel Link information. It helps you locate the best gas prices, find movie listings, get current traffic alerts, view the weather map, get accurate ski conditions and see current sports scores.
The system calculates a reasonable efficient route based on available speed limits, traffic, and road conditions. You may know a local short cut that is more efficient at a given time than the route provided by SYNC 3, but you should expect a slight difference in minutes or miles with the SYNC 3 route.
Michelin Travel Guide (If Equipped)
The Michelin travel guide is a service which provides additional information about certain places of interest, for example restaurants, hotels and tourist sites. Points of interest that have Michelin travel guide information display a button to show you more information. Push the button to see the additional information. If you have paired your phone with the system, you can press the phone button to directly establish a call with the selected point of interest.
Navigation Map Accuracy and Updates
HERE is the digital map provider for the navigation application. If you find map data errors, you may report them directly to HERE by going to HERE evaluates all reported map errors and responds with the result of their investigation by e-mail.
The navigation system map data may contain inaccurate or incomplete information due to the passage of time, changing circumstances, sources used and the nature of collecting comprehensive geographic data, any of which may lead to incorrect results. Inaccurate speed limit information, turn restrictions and other road attributes may affect the determined route and associated guidance
Annual navigation map updates are available for purchase through your dealership. Depending on your purchase agreement, you might be eligible for free Map update. You can choose to download the Map data update onto a USB, order a USB, or use Wi-Fi to deliver automatic updates. To update your Map data over Wi-Fi, your vehicle must be connected to a Wi-Fi access point. Map Data files are large, so it is highly recommended to perform the update when free Wi-Fi is available otherwise high data rates may apply. For USB updates, free map update eligibility, and other details, contact dealers at 1-866-462-8837 in the United States and Canada or 01-800-557-5539 in Mexico or visit our local website for more information.
When you use them properly, the seat, head restraint, seatbelt and airbags will provide optimum protection in the event of a crash.